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(Education Focused)

Cutting-edge educational content to tackle the environmental crisis.

25 of the best Eco School activity ideas

This service is provided to schools/ educational Institutions

to raise the environmental awareness of the whole organization 

and provoke actions to reduce their overall waste to a target number of diversions from landfills/incineration.

The project duration will be customized according to the scale of the organization

and specific goals.

This project includes 3 stages:


Stage 1: Awareness (Redesign/Rethink)

Intent: To Discover our “WASTE”

Strategy: The community will be taught to track one’s “waste” and will be introduced

to the concepts of Zero Waste and the Circular Economy through a series of lectures,

seminars, workshops, and games.

Assessing the waste to analyze how much waste is been generated on a weekly and

monthly basis (hands on the waste bin).

Kid Gloves_ Food Waste Composting in Oak

Stage 2: Action (Repair, Recycle/Upcycle, Re-earth)

Intent: To learn how to reduce and transform our “WASTE”.

Strategy: The community will take part in a series of activities

(Upcycling, Vermicomposting, Repair Cafe, etc.) where they would

learn how to reduce one’s waste and why.

Zero Waste Week _ Office of National Mar
ARTS+ACTION Zero Waste Schools.png
Sustainable Missoula_ Nurturing the Zero

Stage 3: Outlook (Leadership)

Intent: To be reminded of the importance of our actions affecting the planet, especially

our consumption. And to be trained in how to incorporate all this knowledge into

everyday life, by making it a habit, at the same time inspire others to do it. Being a

leader of oneself and the leader of one’s community.

Strategy: The community will take part in a series of lectures and workshops

(Sustainable Purchasing, Sustainable Goal Setting & Habit Tracking,

Leadership Training).

12 Zero Waste Goals for the New Year.jpg
31 Day Zero Waste Challenge - For Kids!
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